The world is entering a period where borders, boundaries, and binaries are rapidly dissolving. Fluidity is a product of, and response to, that reality; one in which the rules and structures of old no longer apply. As the report reveals, fluidity is key to understanding not only Gen Z but also the future; a future where fragmentation is the new normal, representing a spectacular shift in how we envision ourselves and our place in the world—a movement in thought and behavior being led by Gen Z.
With 850+ pages of videos, lists, essays, data, and case studies, straight from their mouths and minds, The Irregular Report: Fluidity digs into and dissects all things fluid: the what and why as well as the how—how it will impact critical systems like culture and creativity, economics, education, gender, and politics.
Gen Z Editor: Nicolaia Rips
We are in an unprecedented moment, tiptoeing through crumbling systems, committing to building better. However, to build better, we must understand why current systems and structures failed in the first place. We must understand the foundation upon which we will build and the tools with which we do so. Armed with 60 carefully selected Gen Z futurists from 17 countries, The Irregular Report #3 offers a proposition—or perhaps a provocation—for anyone wanting to build better: Regeneration.
The result of this study is a fictional settlement, RGF_1, in Antarctica; a world that explores and illustrates the principles of Regeneration—Equity, Co-Creation, Inclusivity, Purpose Creativity, Transparency, Circularity, Ephemerality, and Fluidity—that will inform future social, political, and economic systems, as well as key Regenerative trends such as Autonomous Co-Creation, Fluid Leadership, and Empathetic Innovation. Visit RGF_1 to discover what it looks like to build better.
Gen Z Editor: Remi Riordan
The world of work is rapidly reconfiguring as old structures, processes, and tools fail to accommodate the shifting needs of both workers and employers. Accelerating this transformation is the influx of Gen Zs—the largest generation in the workforce by 2030. Unlike older cohorts, Gen Z will not accept the current world of work (Work 2.0), which directly conflicts with Gen Z’s core beliefs and principles. Instead, they will ratify Work 3.0, a new vision of work that precisely maps to the values of their generation.
The Irregular Report: Work is the result of three years of research. It offers a broad vision of the future and lays the groundwork for a series of written, virtual, and live intergenerational debates over the next year. To hold continued space for these conversations, we are launching Irregular Hours, a platform dedicated to exploring, reimagining, and co-creating the future of Work.
Gen Z Editor: Lucas LaRochelle
The term "gaming" does NOT simply refer to games and the people who play them. Instead, it is a social content and experience system that, at its most successful, is decentralized, open source, and highly lucrative. So much so that Netflix’s 2018 Annual Report identified the game Fortnite as a bigger threat to their profits than HBO or Hulu. Meaning, gaming is no longer fringe; it sits at the center of pop culture, driving trends in fashion, beauty, art, music, and film. Our report looks at game culture, with a focus on the U.S. and China, and explains why learning from and engaging with the global game ecosystem is the single most important tactic for asserting cultural relevance and surviving new frontiers, irrespective of industry.
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